Sunday, October 19, 2008

Moon calendar: 22st lunar day

Data is calculated on the World Time (UT)
For Europe to add 1 hour


22-st Lunar Day from 20.10
The MOON in a sign the Cancer

the Symbol - the Elephant, the book and a gold key

If you need to beging something new, this day the same as and 13 lunar days, very much favour to it.
Mastering of knowledge goes very well.
Today also the intuition is strong, it is possible to receive the answer to the question which you could not reached for a long time rest, it is possible to receive the necessary information which is required for the decision of any problem, the new idea can come to mind.
Therefore, if you the creative person – do not wait for inspiration, sit down for your work, the inspiration will come trace, and will bring with itself all ideas which you require. If you only have started to master something new to you – this day it is possible to move ahead strongly in development. So plan this day for studying literatures, search information in the periodical press or the Internet.

And do not hesitate !
The energy of an organism start to decrease. The fourth phase of the Moon begins. In the nature – this period is equivalent to late autumn and winter. In human life – to old age. Our mood and viability during this period depend on how we have lived the previous periods, what are made operating time, what are made stocks, what saved up luggage of knowledge, the financial resources, what health. From all of this depends, whether we can enjoy a life at this time or the grief and a cold will lodge in a shower.

In the fourth phase of the Moon our energy starts to decrease, and ourselves start to feel the inferiority, weakness sharply. Simply take it into consideration, and know that this display of influence of Space. Know that at us ahead more many new lunar cycles, so, a lot of new springs, the new sun, the new pleasure, a new youth. Therefore concern itself carefully during this period. At a correct expenditure of energy, in this phase of the Moon it is possible to understand much about itself, to rethink and lay the foundation on the following lunar cycle.

The most difficult days – days Gekaty, before a new moon when the Moon in the sky already it is completely not visible - will come in a week.
And then - again days of full passivity and contemplation. But it is necessary to be prepared for them to indulge in rest with feeling that this month everything has been made that is necessary and is possible.

But while - the Moon in the sky. And the next day – Devilish!

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